Awake In The Dark: Book Launch

The New York Times:

The collection, ”Awake in the Dark,” out today from Scribner, will celebrate its publication in a very unusual way: a performance of portions of ”Kronenstrasse,” which has been set to music by the composer Ben Moore. The piece will be presented tonight at St. Francis College Theater in Brooklyn Heights, with the actress Andrea Masters and a trio of viola, clarinet and piano.

What began as an effort to publicize ”Awake in the Dark” has turned into a full-blown artistic effort. Mr. Moore, who has composed theater music, as well as songs for Deborah Voigt and Susan Graham, will play the piano. Jimmy Bohr will direct. The other musicians are the clarinetist Todd Palmer and the violist David A. Carpenter, winner of the Philadelphia Orchestra’s 2005 student competition. All are performing without pay. The piano store Klavierhaus is lending a Steinway.


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January 14, 2020

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